2007 Grant Street, Houston, Texas 77006

New Hours: 7 PM ~ 11:30 PM

All of our shows are live streamed. If you can’t make it out in person, or you live in other parts of the world, please join us online.

Year 2025

Here’s what’s coming up through April 4

Click on the pictures below for more info.

Presenting Singers and Songwriters since 1970.

We accept credit cards for online ticket purchases, but when you attend a live show, please bring cash.
We do not take credit/debit cards at the bar. Thanks

Matt Harlan and guests T. Ray Porche and Nichole Mayeux. Songwriter Showcase for
Thursday, February 20

Jeff Black
Friday, February 21

George Ensle
Friday, February 28

JM Stevens
Friday, March 7

Sam Robbins
Friday, March 14

Ginger Leigh
Friday, March 21

Pat Byrne
Friday, March 28

Susan Werner
Friday, April 4

Matt Harlan hosts our Thursday evening Songwriter Showcases the First and Third Thursday of each month.