Ginger Leigh rocks out with the best of them; ax-swinging, sweatin', groovin', beltin' chanteuse. She can make your jaw drop like no other, ripping your heart out with anthem-style ballads. She can crack you up with her Ellen-style dry wit, her old-school-Bette stage antics, classy and crass. Once a fan described Ginger Leigh as "Like Adele with a Joan Jet kick in the ass."
She is a female-Elvis-like chanteuse. Ginger Leigh is a smart artist, a business woman, a fearless personality with her heart on her sleeve, a music-maker, a recording artist, a writer, an actress, a hostess and a stage-lover who goes unchallenged and who is uniquely made up of nothing but pure love, hard work, natural talent and unstoppable drive.
Ginger Leigh