Our doors open at 8pm and music starts around 9

Thursday, Oct 9  Songwriters in the Round
                            w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne  Wilkerson
Guests this week are: John Batdorf and Tony Asch

Friday, Oct. 10, 2014  Jeanie Burns and Andrew Hardin

Jeanie Burns and Andrew Hardin

Jeanie Burns and Andrew Hardin

Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014  Michael O'Connor and Taylor Pie    
                           with special guest Jeff Plankenhorn

Jeff Plankenhorn

Jeff Plankenhorn

Michael O'Connor and Taylor Pie

Michael O'Connor and Taylor Pie

Thursday, Oct. 16  Songwriters in the Round
                             w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson
Guests this week are: Tia McGraff and Mike Durbin

Friday, Oct. 17  Leslie Krafka

Saturday, Oct. 18 Matt Harlan and Rachael Jones

Thursday, Oct 23  Songwriters in the Round
                  w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson
Guests this week are: Flagship Romance and David Starr

Friday, Oct. 24  Ordinary Elephant

Saturday, Oct. 25  Shake Russell, Michael Hearne, and Mike Roberts

Thursday, Oct. 30  Songwriters in the Round
                  w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson

Friday, Oct. 31  Susan Gibson

Saturday, Nov. 1  Matt the Electrician

Thursday, Nov. 6  Songwriters in the Round
                    w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson

Friday, Nov. 7  Houston Marchman and Michael Fracasso

Saturday, Nov. 8  Jamie Wilson  CD Project Release

Thursday, Nov. 13  Songwriters in the Round
                      w/ Ken Gaines and Wayne Wilkerson

Friday, Nov. 14  Roy Bookbinder

Saturday, Nov. 15  Eric Taylor